Perubahan Makna serta Benturan Klaim akan Ruang Kota pada Kawasan Taman Kencana Bogor


  • Karya Widyawati Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
  • Nia Suryani Universitas Indraprasta PGRI



claims, regional developments, settlements, environmental quality


Taman Kencana Bogor be a witness of the development of the city of Bogor from the colonial period as a residential area for researchers and government employees. Since the development of Bogor this area has drastic changes. Utilization of buildings as a place of business has changed the structure of many urban space. In addition, the more famous Taman Kencana as a culinary tourist point in Bogor also gives impact to this place. To reveal the impact of the development of this region, conducted with qualitative data collection, archival research, and interviews and observations on a regular basis. This situation also indicates a relationship of attraction between the interests of the function area as a residential area and culinary tourism, and there was a clash of claims to space.


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How to Cite

Widyawati, K., & Suryani, N. (2018). Perubahan Makna serta Benturan Klaim akan Ruang Kota pada Kawasan Taman Kencana Bogor. RUAS, 16(1), 1–12.


